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Exercise Physiologist Consultation

Maximising your physical potential through personalised exercise prescription and guidance.

  • 30 minutes
  • 50 Malaysian ringgits
  • Online Consultation

Service Description

An exercise physiologist consultation is a meeting between a patient and a qualified health professional who specializes in the use of exercise as a means of improving health and well-being. During the consultation, the exercise physiologist will assess the patient's physical function, medical history, and exercise-related goals. The exercise physiologist may also perform a variety of tests to evaluate the patient's physical fitness and determine their current level of functional capacity. Based on this information, the exercise physiologist will develop a personalised exercise plan to help the patient achieve their goals and improve their overall health and well-being. The exercise plan may include a combination of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises, as well as guidance on proper form and technique. Exercise physiologist consultations can be conducted in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and private practices. They can be scheduled for a variety of reasons, including to address specific health concerns or to support overall health and wellness.

Contact Details


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